Nothing is more inspiring, than a direct face to face conversation. We'd love to host you in so.what showroom. Make an appointment at your convenience, have coffee or champagne, try on our designs, but first of all absorb them with all your senses - did you know they even have a scent?
so.what showroom is made with love and respect to women, fashion and art. You will find here exquisite clothes and atmosphere. Getting an unobtrusive attention you will feel as easy as when meeting your best friends. Isn't it the way you like to shop?
Everything in on our showroom has it's history and we like to take from it. There is a bit you can see as well - 1830 original vaulted ceiling reminding us how much work it took to restore the place.
so.what designs are about unobvious elegance. You can tell that by our showroom too. There's a method in this madness.
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